As the great counterfeiter, satan was furious at the Tower of Babel when he had all the people united with Nimrod to defy God by not only building the Tower against God's will , but in daring to shoot an arrow up towards Heaven, symbolically wanting to slay the Lord...So because it was ordained before time that Israel was to be a nation of God's people and were yet to be born, the Lord scattered their tongues, breaking their communications and causing division, allowing time to intercede and his nation to be born.
In Sarah was the promise, her seed not Hagar's! Ishmael sought the inheritance and has been after it ever since.His descendents, counterfeit of Isaac's descendents fight to gain the blessing to try and take the kingdom of Heaven by force~ as counterfeits, as envoys from Babylon, they seek to pretend to serve God calling Him, Allah, but Allah is the angel of light- the spirit of antichrist - the deceiver of nations, even those born into it are deceived into thinking they are doing 'god' a service, but their god is not our God! John 8:44 describes their mandate spiritually, they will come and do as they did to Hezekiah, pretending concern so as to gain the secrets of the treasury and cost Hezekiah the kingdom! Their time may be short, but they are coming into it as a descendent of Ishmael is on the rise. That charismatic false peace maker is coming. The nations will love him as the world loves its own ~ under the guise of peace and humanity he will deceive the nations and when he has seized power, the mask will come off and all who havent bowed to him will be sought out and persuaded as a famine of the Word will come and the hearts of most grow cold and weary wondering when He will return for us.The evil one like Absalom will gain the hearts of many people. He would fool the world and the very elect if it were possible.
WE all will have a Job like experience, we all will pass through the flood and the fires of this life, but we are told to fear not for He is with us and His rod and staff will comfort us. We are to continue and study showing ourselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of God! WE are to put on that whole armour of God and listen to that still small voice~ WE are to tests the spirits and hold fast to that which is 'good' as we take every 'thought' captive and choose each day whom we will serve~
We must decrease, as He must increase, we are to try and learn what is pleasing to the Lord and as we put to death the deeds of the flesh we can put on the mind of Christ and no longer be double minded as those who receive nothing from God almighty.We must stand fast, being assured of the blessed hope we have in HIM and not listen to those seducing familiar religious spirits that satan has mingled into the churches today bringing their false doctrines of demons along with them with their thus saith the lords... speaking words but not HIS, prophecying lies and causing each to do what is right in their own eyes, without seeking the will of the Father in their lives..A great falling away is coming among those who hold a form of religion but through their live's actions, deny the power of it! The warning went out to the 7 churches in Revelations and is a warning to us as well that we must prepare the way of the Lord!
This generation is growing up not 'knowing' God. A man's enemies will be that of his own household, including the household of faith. Satan has caused divisions and lies to grow in like weeds in the garden of our Lord and Jesus said that the spirit of antichrist was already at work, even back when Jesus was preparing to go back to the Father!
How many men have killed one another, thinking they were doing God a service? Satan, that counterfeiter has been playing god and making the church his tower of babel so, confusing the speech of the people and breaking unity to prevent men from knowing how to seek God. For lack of knowledge, my people go into exile~ for lack of knowledge my people perish....Purify your hearts you sinners we are told to cleanse our minds and to stop being double minded as the battle for our souls is ongoing in our own hearts and minds! The enemy is a whisperer, a deceiver and lures and entices us by own own desires ever planting thoughts in our heads for us to choose to indulge in. That causes men to sin and sin when full grown will bring forth death!We are to renounce all the workings of satan in our lives if we are to expect to be joint heirs with Jesus. Jn 3:36 says he who believes in the Son has everlasting life, but also says, 'he who dont not obey the Son [some translations say does not believe the Son] shall NOT see life but the wrath of God rests upon him and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!...Pauls said o wretched man that I am...and so are we ~!...For me to live is Christ and to die is GAIN~ how many of us are prepared to put our lives where our words are? How many rather hear smoothe speech and not deal with their responsibility to study word and know well the condition of God's flock?
How do we hear that still small voice of the Holy Spirit? God shares the throne with no one, especially satan. He had him cast out of heaven when he tried to sieze the throne....Know ye not we are the temple of the Holy Spirit? What then are we to do...?...WE are to renounce our wicked ways!! WE are to renounce the workings of satan in our lives.. All those sublte spirits that entertain our thoughts, our unspoken thoughts...Jesus said that for a man to even look on a woman , that if he lusted in his heart , he has already committed adultery! That example speaks to our minds!....The battle for our eternal salvation is in our minds, not our whitewashed outer tombs!!What are the workings of satan in our lives?What is it that we are to renounce ? How do we know that it is the Holy Spirit that is speaking to us to guide us into all truth?...[by taking heed according to the Word...]
The heart is deceitful and desperate to be corrupt! Secret sins in our members~ outwardly clean but the cup is full of iniquity!We can go through the motions and continue to deceive ourselves, but then how will we stand in the jungle of the Jordan, when we cant stand up against the wrong in our own hearts? The Lord searches the hearts and minds of men~ even if our heart condemns us, He is greater than our hearts and if we repent- if MY people who are called by MY Name, humble themselves and PRAY, I will forgive them their sins and cleanse them from all manner of unrighteousness....How can we do this? How do we face ourselves and stand up and choose Jesus?These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me....
Jesus spoke to the man with demons and asked his name...Legion, for we are many....Jesus cast Legion out and they went into the swine and jumped off the cliff....A legion is comprised of many soldiers~ The devil is at war with the saints and never sleeps or slumbers but is ever about roaming like a lion seeking whom he may devour~
There is no discharge from the 'war', nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it. To the pure He shows Himself Pure, but to the 'crooked' He shows Himself 'perverse' [or crooked, such as people blaming God when things go wrong in their lives or take matters into their own hands rather than listening to the Holy Spirit, choosing to do it their way, BUT we are warned " My thoughts are not your thoughts says the Lord ~ nor My ways are your ways"...
Paul said, O wretched man that I am...remember??
So we are to renounce the workings of satan in our lives...we are to clean our house and guard the door so the thief can not enter in and make us 7 times worse~than when we began....
Or we can say Lord Lord we did many works, in Your name, but He will say 'begone' I dont know you!!Repent.. How do we repent? By renouncing the workings of satan in our lives!! How... ?
What is your name, Jesus asked and when told, he cast satan out! He wasnt asking the demoniac 'his' name but He was asking for the 'name[s]' of the devils that were leading the man astray and taking him out of his 'right ' mind~ as all who could see the man knew he was naked before the Lord....
Name them, cast them out,lock the door, trim your lamp, preserve the oil of the Holy Spirit by whom you were annointed by on the day you called Christ your Lord....Unveil yourself, remove that mask of self righteousness! Get naked before the Lord and remove those whitewashed tombstones and let the dead bury the dead while you come back to life in Him...
Recognise them, name them and cast them out... the spirit of self righteousness, the spirit of pride, the spirit of condemnation, the spirit of calamity, the spirit of deceit, the spirit of 'religion', the spirit of hate, the spirit of envy, the spirit of strife, the spirit of greed, the spirit of gluttony, the spirit of malice, the spirit of depression, the spirit of defeat, the spirit of fear,the spirit of confusion,the spirit of bearing false witness, the spirit of false prophecy, the spirit of coersion,the spirit of falsehood, the spirit of false religion, the spirit of pretense,the spirit of rage, the spirit of anxiety,the spirit of disobedience, the spirit of rejection, the spirit of lust, the spirit of jealousy, the spirit of murder, the spirit of prejudice, the spirit of racism, the spirit of haughtiness, the spirit of deception, the spirit of lies, the spirit of pride, the spirit of laziness, the spirit of control, the spirit of manipulation, the spirit of ego, the spirit of self centeredness, the spirit of guilt, the spirit of war, the spirit of anger, the spirit of wickedness, the spirit of compromise, the spirit of revenge, the spirit of chaos, the spirit of destruction, the spirit of immorality, the spirit of doubt, the spirit of elitism, the spirit of deafness, the spirit of blindness, the spirit of cowardess, the spirit of narcissism, the spirit of betrayal, the spirit of drunkeness, the spirit of doublemindedness, the spirit of divination, the spirit of witchcraft, the spirit of rebellion , the spirit of greed, the spirit of surrender, the spirit of condemnation, the spirit of woe, the spirit of hate together with all the others, named and unnamed together in tandem custom lured by your own desires, that if you continue to allow them one room in the house of your mind, you can not please God your Father~
Repent, open your hearts to God and lay yourself at the foot of the cross and renounce the workings of satan in your life! Be healed and freed in the name of Jesus! Embrace your salvation, go and sin no more,making disciples of all the nations...starting with the nation of your own heart. Be washed by the water of the Word! receive the continual cleansing with the living waters - repent and be baptised by the Holy Spirit, not holding a form of religion but being pure religion, before God our Father, visiting not only the physical widows, but the spiritual ones as well, those who have lost their husband ...those who have lost God in their lives and backslid...visit the orphans, including the spiritual orphans, those who have no Father they can experience the adoption of God~! but to all who received HIM who believed [obeyed] in HIS Name[Jesus} He gave POWER to become Children of God~ who were 'born' not of man but of the will of God.... He is willing that none should perish,BUT that ALL come unto repentence~taste and see that the Lord is good~
Then you will experience that peace that surpasses understanding as the weight of the 'world' will be lifted off your shoulders as Jesus said His yoke is easy ~ and once we can face ourselves, naked and unashamed before God, not hiding from him but being able to boldly come before the throne of grace~
ALL that the Father gives to Me will come to Me and him who comes to Me, I will NOT cast out...The sooner we believe He loves us and cares for us and is concerned for us, the sooner we cast out all doubt and doublemindedness, the sooner we will be able to fully embrace the Love of God in our lives and be able to witness it to others....
This is what the Lord has done for me in my life! He has given me an ear to hear and spiritual eyes to see and the ear tries words like the palate tastes food. Every Word of the Lord proves true...
GBU~! Ave
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Obama ~ Pied Piper~ Read before voting!!
Obama has made alot of promises that dont make sense when delved into.He has been like a "Pied Piper" to the disgruntled, disenchanted and uniformed.His position with unpatriotic people, his refusal to salute our flag, his not visiting our wounded veterans, his alliance with unscrupulous people going all the way back to 1981, his denials of things that have been publicly proven about him, his affinity with rich arab business men, his part in the Fannie /Freddie collapse and the payoffs he publicly received ...too many red flags and too many deceptions!!
Regardless to the media denegration of Mc Cain and Palin, they are the best choice and sober, intelligent, reasonable person could consider regardless to race, religion or political persuasion. Out nation has hope as long as we continue to choose leaders that are dedicated to making our nation great.
Obama is not about making our nation great, rather he is about socializing and weakening it and turning it into a third world power if he wins. Dont let this happen to America! Save America ~ vote for McCain & Palin~
To those who are faith minded I have some scriptures to share below that should help bring about a proper frame of mind in helping you to see and decide what is actually the right thing to do... Please read this in its entirety and consider this when you vote...
Food for thought.... most seems basic to me and may seem so to you, but to one I have sent this too, he doesnt understand where I am coming from and still chooses to believe you can be a prochoice abortion endorsing Christian who will be accepted by God. I disagree according to my understanding, I think I have the mind of Christ in these matters and think I understand as one who has the Holy Spirit guiding me. I could be in error, if that can be demonstrated biblically, but this fellow, offers nothing but surmations of his reading of what I wrote and shows no basis for his own conclusions other than to attack me.. Oh well , I wanted to share these anyway and think most will remember them and if you agree let me know but also if you think I am wrong on any of it still let me know.
Colossians 1:10 NIV • Read this chapterAnd we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
As we mature in Christ, the things of this world are viewed more as 'trappings' or the cares of the world that we abandon as we see more clearly how to please t he Lord."He must increase & I must decrease" becomes not only 'understood' but embraced and complied with to our own benefit, which then explains when Jesus said " My yoke is easy".. It does get easier when you seek to do his will, resist the devil and not compromise, which keeps you free from guilt as the devil looses his foothold in your life...
1 John 3:9 NIV • Read this chapterNo one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God....So as we yield to the Holy Spirit and are 'watered' by the Word, we begin to grow in Christ and as we study His word, seeking his will and not some 'angle' to manipulate the word according to our desires...
We see that we must resist the devil and our self serving desires which would give birth to sin and bring us to failure and even death.
We are born of God, no longer subject to the flesh, although we inhabit earthly bodies, we are to glorify God in our bodies as well...It isnt as hard, once we submit to his teaching and will for us .
All that the father gives to me will come to me.. .Jesus said, since He is willing that NONE should perish, it is fairly certain that since we are 'chosen'[you did not choose me but I chose you...] Some through their own stubborness and rebellion, resist the Father's will for great portions of their earthly lives... it is said that even the elect 'could' be fooled...but not that they 'would'.
Some say that we get into Predestination as a result of these promises of God and since he knows the beginning and the end of the matter, there is an element of that.It should be to our encouragement however, since he has plans for us that are 'good' and not evil...
1 Thessalonians 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Living to Please God ] Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.
...Once we come to terms to trust and believe in God and not lean on our own 'understanding' we can begin the process of cleansing our temple[mind& heart]putting away the childish things, studying and learning to a workman serving God no longer allowing evil thoughts to persuade our carnal minds, as we gradually put on the mind of Christ.
Philippians 1:21 NIVUK • Read this chapterFor to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
...When we become disciplined and accustomed to living in the Word and putting the flesh last while we practice our belief as we choose new each day , in each and every circumstance we face, who we will choose to serve.. It is one or the other, God or our own carnal reasoning which was introduced to us by the devil...If God is God choose Him and live.. if he is not God or Lord of your life you will not choose Him. So to live is Christ and to put to death the deeds of the flesh is gaining favor in God's sight and will lead to becoming joint heirs with Jesus.
Therefore as Paul said, we can not compare the sufferings we face now with the glories of the things to come..
2 Thessalonians 3:6 NIVUK • Read this chapter[ Warning Against Idleness ] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.
...If we become complacent and shrug our reasonable duty to God when we have been freed by His grace from all matters of our unrighteousness, when we put on Christ's righteousness in our lives, we are reminded to 'go and sin no more'....
If we let our light so shine before men, we do our duty to make disciples of all the nations and not shun our responsibilities as Christians in any area of our lives, including 'everything' we are to give thanks in and for.. then even in matters such as politics, we are sometimes faced with the spiritually moral dilemmas presented and it is then we have to stand up for Jesus and what he would do and want us to do.
We can not slack off as curse is he who does the will of God with slackness!!We also are not to be cowardly or hide our lamp under a bushel... so being a hidden believer and not bearing the fruits of the Spirit make us double minded, two faced and self deceived.
John 3:36 NASB
36"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
...If we 'believe' and not just merely surfacely acknowledge a weak allegiance to ... we will embrace and digest that belief to become part of us and then live by that belief... we are to obey and continue in his word and thus prove to be his disciples... we arent to be like the seed on rocky soil that grows a bit and then shrivels before any fruit can be born.We are to be like the tree planted by living waters and grow and bear fruit doing the will of our Father in heaven as Jesus always did what was pleasing to His Father, so shall we do.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIVUK • Read this chapterWe demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
...We can not allow ourselves to compromise and allow evil to have its place in our lives as the Lord shares his throne with no evil~! WE must take every thought captive and not be like Adam & Eve who considered, embraced and partook of reasoning that allowed them to defy God and thus loose their position in the garden, being cast out.
1 John 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Test the Spirits ] Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
...the battleground for our souls is in our minds and thoughts are constantly presented to our minds to consider and think about which lead to our action or inactions.We will be judged by our actions and intent of our hearts. If we harbor iniquity in our hearts then we are double minded, meaning we entertain thoughts presented by demonic influences of the spirits roaming to and fro seeking whom they may devour... Resist the devil and reject the evil thoughts and you will be able to see right and wrong as you yield to the will of the Father.
2 Timothy 2:14 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Workman Approved by God ] Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
...The Holy Spirit of God that guides us into all truth, is always in agreement with the Word so where 2 or more are gathered in "MY" name, there I will be in the midst of them... a promise and instruction as to how we can test the spirit of any thought we get to consider. The Holy Spirit will never tell you anything that goes against the word of God as a house divided can not stand and Jesus and the Father are one and their Spirit of Truth is one with them as well and is here to guide us.
2 Timothy 2:15 NIV • Read this chapterDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
...AS we study God's word and let it grow in our hearts and minds, it will be ready to bear witness to what the Holy Spirit tries to teach us and also will send up the red flags when religious thoughts [from spirit of religion] and others in tandem approach your mind with the 'what ifs' that ultimately would cause you to doubt God and fail.
So study and become one with the word as Jesus is one with the Father!
Romans 12:1 NASB • Read this chapter[ Dedicated Service ] Therefore [1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 10:1-4; Eph 4:1; 1 Pet 2:11] I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to [Rom 6:13, 16, 19; 1 Cor 6:20; Heb 13:15; 1 Pet 2:5] present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
...The closer you draw near to God the closer he will draw near to you.. which would only stand to reason t hat you would want to be as best prepared to be before Him and not stand ashamed.
Romans 8:13 NASB • Read this chapterfor [Rom 8:6] if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are [Col 3:5] putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
...all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful, so to continue in an activity that will bring you shame , it is better to forsake such sinful activity and become a living sacrifice so that no one can rightly accuse you when you know you are doing the Lords will. Being falsely accused will happen, but you will know that your redeemer lives and that as long as you seek his will you will be safe from judgement.
Matthew 18:15 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Brother Who Sins Against You ] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
...Trying to show an unyielding carnal minded brother is not an easy task, especially when he has wronged you.Trying to bring him to his right mind in exposing the wrong is also difficult as he who is estranged will seek pretext to break out against sound judgement. So in love and gentleness you are to show the brother the error of his way and pray the Holy Spirit grants him repentence. If you are able to reach and persuade him to the truth, you will be blessed for having restored a brother.
Ezekiel 3:18 NASB • Read this chapter"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his [Ezek 3:20; 33:6, 8] blood I will require at your hand.
...If like when Jonah didnt want to warn the Ninevites because he saw them as enemy, you are rebelling against the will of God and your life will reap punishment til you repent and comply..IF you do and others are reached for righteousness to give God glory, then you will be rewarded but if you dont, then you will be blamed...We are to walk blameless to it is better to do God's will!
Titus 3:10 NASB • Read this chapter[2 John 10] Reject a [Rom 16:17] factious man [Matt 18:15] after a first and second warning,
...when a false teacher or false brother is in your midst only causing dissension and raising doubts to lead others astray, you are to warn him and witness to him in hopes of restoring him. If he remains unyielding and obviously is leading others astray, then you are to warn him to desist and if he doesnt, then you are to shun him and have nothing more to do with him til he is ready to receive the word of God and obey it.
Philippians 4:8 NIV • Read this chapterFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things
...To be yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance will cause you to put away fifthy talk, thought word and deed and when you choose to think on fruitful thoughts you will be able to honestly please the father.
Galatians 5:22 NIV • Read this chapterBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
...This is the barometer of how we are to sek and serve God..the Holy Spirit will bear peaceable fruits of righteousness within our beings and gradually allow those fruits to guide us in all our daily considerations and decisions .
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV • Read this chapterOn the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
...As we mature, we become more confident in the word and we wear the whole armour of God, rightly divide the word and can stand ready to give account to all who ask or demand of us. We may not be popular and may be rejected but as servants are not greater than their master, we can expect at times to be mistreated as Jesus was, so when we are meeting various trials we are to count it as joy that we are privileged to share in his sufferings!
Hebrews 6:11 NIV • Read this chapterWe want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.
...To do this we must obey and embrace Gods word and not be double minded as to not receive from him the wisdom the Holy Spirit wishes to impart to us. If you are confused about who you are listening to, then that is not from God and you need to stop thinking, pray and wait to receive confirmation from the Lord before you proceed.
Once you are certain that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit, you will then be empowered to do Gods will.
Matthew 5:19 NIV • Read this chapterAnyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
...If you allow earthly compromise to negate Gods will then you will fail.If you stand up to what you know what is right according to Gods will and not the will of man, then you will be great in the kingdom of God, even if you are looked upon as a nut by others.
Acts 5:29 NIV • Read this chapterPeter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men.
...This is true for all of us and it is time we stand against abortion in America as it is evil, no matter how you may carnally want to justify it! If God is Lord of your life, then obey him!~
I have now had some time to think and review these verses and have placed my initial comments on them according the the level I am now at in my service to almighty God. I hope and pray that you will see what the Lord is trying to tell you through the words he has enabled me to present. :) GBU~! Ave
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10:33 PM - Food for thought before the presidential elections Current mood: contemplative Category: Religion and Philosophy
Food for thought.... most seems basic to me and may seem so to you, but to one I have sent this too, he doesnt understand where I am coming from and still chooses to believe you can be a prochoice abortion endorsing Christian who will be accepted by God. I disagree according to my understanding, I think I have the mind of Christ in these matters and think I understand as one who has the Holy Spirit guiding me. I could be in error, if that can be demonstrated biblically, but this fellow, offers nothing but surmations of his reading of what I wrote and shows no basis for his own conclusions other than to attack me.. Oh well , I wanted to share these anyway and think most will remember them and if you agree let me know but also if you think I am wrong on any of it still let me know.
Colossians 1:10 NIV • Read this chapterAnd we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
As we mature in Christ, the things of this world are viewed more as 'trappings' or the cares of the world that we abandon as we see more clearly how to please t he Lord."He must increase & I must decrease" becomes not only 'understood' but embraced and complied with to our own benefit, which then explains when Jesus said " My yoke is easy".. It does get easier when you seek to do his will, resist the devil and not compromise, which keeps you free from guilt as the devil looses his foothold in your life...
1 John 3:9 NIV • Read this chapterNo one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God....So as we yield to the Holy Spirit and are 'watered' by the Word, we begin to grow in Christ and as we study His word, seeking his will and not some 'angle' to manipulate the word according to our desires...
We see that we must resist the devil and our self serving desires which would give birth to sin and bring us to failure and even death.
We are born of God, no longer subject to the flesh, although we inhabit earthly bodies, we are to glorify God in our bodies as well...It isnt as hard, once we submit to his teaching and will for us .
All that the father gives to me will come to me.. .Jesus said, since He is willing that NONE should perish, it is fairly certain that since we are 'chosen'[you did not choose me but I chose you...] Some through their own stubborness and rebellion, resist the Father's will for great portions of their earthly lives... it is said that even the elect 'could' be fooled...but not that they 'would'.
Some say that we get into Predestination as a result of these promises of God and since he knows the beginning and the end of the matter, there is an element of that.It should be to our encouragement however, since he has plans for us that are 'good' and not evil...
1 Thessalonians 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Living to Please God ] Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.
...Once we come to terms to trust and believe in God and not lean on our own 'understanding' we can begin the process of cleansing our temple[mind& heart]putting away the childish things, studying and learning to a workman serving God no longer allowing evil thoughts to persuade our carnal minds, as we gradually put on the mind of Christ.
Philippians 1:21 NIVUK • Read this chapterFor to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
...When we become disciplined and accustomed to living in the Word and putting the flesh last while we practice our belief as we choose new each day , in each and every circumstance we face, who we will choose to serve.. It is one or the other, God or our own carnal reasoning which was introduced to us by the devil...If God is God choose Him and live.. if he is not God or Lord of your life you will not choose Him. So to live is Christ and to put to death the deeds of the flesh is gaining favor in God's sight and will lead to becoming joint heirs with Jesus.
Therefore as Paul said, we can not compare the sufferings we face now with the glories of the things to come..
2 Thessalonians 3:6 NIVUK • Read this chapter[ Warning Against Idleness ] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.
...If we become complacent and shrug our reasonable duty to God when we have been freed by His grace from all matters of our unrighteousness, when we put on Christ's righteousness in our lives, we are reminded to 'go and sin no more'....
If we let our light so shine before men, we do our duty to make disciples of all the nations and not shun our responsibilities as Christians in any area of our lives, including 'everything' we are to give thanks in and for.. then even in matters such as politics, we are sometimes faced with the spiritually moral dilemmas presented and it is then we have to stand up for Jesus and what he would do and want us to do.
We can not slack off as curse is he who does the will of God with slackness!!We also are not to be cowardly or hide our lamp under a bushel... so being a hidden believer and not bearing the fruits of the Spirit make us double minded, two faced and self deceived.
John 3:36 NASB
36"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
...If we 'believe' and not just merely surfacely acknowledge a weak allegiance to ... we will embrace and digest that belief to become part of us and then live by that belief... we are to obey and continue in his word and thus prove to be his disciples... we arent to be like the seed on rocky soil that grows a bit and then shrivels before any fruit can be born.We are to be like the tree planted by living waters and grow and bear fruit doing the will of our Father in heaven as Jesus always did what was pleasing to His Father, so shall we do.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIVUK • Read this chapterWe demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
...We can not allow ourselves to compromise and allow evil to have its place in our lives as the Lord shares his throne with no evil~! WE must take every thought captive and not be like Adam & Eve who considered, embraced and partook of reasoning that allowed them to defy God and thus loose their position in the garden, being cast out.
1 John 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Test the Spirits ] Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
...the battleground for our souls is in our minds and thoughts are constantly presented to our minds to consider and think about which lead to our action or inactions.We will be judged by our actions and intent of our hearts. If we harbor iniquity in our hearts then we are double minded, meaning we entertain thoughts presented by demonic influences of the spirits roaming to and fro seeking whom they may devour... Resist the devil and reject the evil thoughts and you will be able to see right and wrong as you yield to the will of the Father.
2 Timothy 2:14 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Workman Approved by God ] Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
...The Holy Spirit of God that guides us into all truth, is always in agreement with the Word so where 2 or more are gathered in "MY" name, there I will be in the midst of them... a promise and instruction as to how we can test the spirit of any thought we get to consider. The Holy Spirit will never tell you anything that goes against the word of God as a house divided can not stand and Jesus and the Father are one and their Spirit of Truth is one with them as well and is here to guide us.
2 Timothy 2:15 NIV • Read this chapterDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
...AS we study God's word and let it grow in our hearts and minds, it will be ready to bear witness to what the Holy Spirit tries to teach us and also will send up the red flags when religious thoughts [from spirit of religion] and others in tandem approach your mind with the 'what ifs' that ultimately would cause you to doubt God and fail.
So study and become one with the word as Jesus is one with the Father!
Romans 12:1 NASB • Read this chapter[ Dedicated Service ] Therefore [1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 10:1-4; Eph 4:1; 1 Pet 2:11] I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to [Rom 6:13, 16, 19; 1 Cor 6:20; Heb 13:15; 1 Pet 2:5] present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
...The closer you draw near to God the closer he will draw near to you.. which would only stand to reason t hat you would want to be as best prepared to be before Him and not stand ashamed.
Romans 8:13 NASB • Read this chapterfor [Rom 8:6] if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are [Col 3:5] putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
...all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful, so to continue in an activity that will bring you shame , it is better to forsake such sinful activity and become a living sacrifice so that no one can rightly accuse you when you know you are doing the Lords will. Being falsely accused will happen, but you will know that your redeemer lives and that as long as you seek his will you will be safe from judgement.
Matthew 18:15 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Brother Who Sins Against You ] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
...Trying to show an unyielding carnal minded brother is not an easy task, especially when he has wronged you.Trying to bring him to his right mind in exposing the wrong is also difficult as he who is estranged will seek pretext to break out against sound judgement. So in love and gentleness you are to show the brother the error of his way and pray the Holy Spirit grants him repentence. If you are able to reach and persuade him to the truth, you will be blessed for having restored a brother.
Ezekiel 3:18 NASB • Read this chapter"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his [Ezek 3:20; 33:6, 8] blood I will require at your hand.
...If like when Jonah didnt want to warn the Ninevites because he saw them as enemy, you are rebelling against the will of God and your life will reap punishment til you repent and comply..IF you do and others are reached for righteousness to give God glory, then you will be rewarded but if you dont, then you will be blamed...We are to walk blameless to it is better to do God's will!
Titus 3:10 NASB • Read this chapter[2 John 10] Reject a [Rom 16:17] factious man [Matt 18:15] after a first and second warning,
...when a false teacher or false brother is in your midst only causing dissension and raising doubts to lead others astray, you are to warn him and witness to him in hopes of restoring him. If he remains unyielding and obviously is leading others astray, then you are to warn him to desist and if he doesnt, then you are to shun him and have nothing more to do with him til he is ready to receive the word of God and obey it.
Philippians 4:8 NIV • Read this chapterFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things
...To be yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance will cause you to put away fifthy talk, thought word and deed and when you choose to think on fruitful thoughts you will be able to honestly please the father.
Galatians 5:22 NIV • Read this chapterBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
...This is the barometer of how we are to sek and serve God..the Holy Spirit will bear peaceable fruits of righteousness within our beings and gradually allow those fruits to guide us in all our daily considerations and decisions .
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV • Read this chapterOn the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
...As we mature, we become more confident in the word and we wear the whole armour of God, rightly divide the word and can stand ready to give account to all who ask or demand of us. We may not be popular and may be rejected but as servants are not greater than their master, we can expect at times to be mistreated as Jesus was, so when we are meeting various trials we are to count it as joy that we are privileged to share in his sufferings!
Hebrews 6:11 NIV • Read this chapterWe want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.
...To do this we must obey and embrace Gods word and not be double minded as to not receive from him the wisdom the Holy Spirit wishes to impart to us. If you are confused about who you are listening to, then that is not from God and you need to stop thinking, pray and wait to receive confirmation from the Lord before you proceed.
Once you are certain that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit, you will then be empowered to do Gods will.
Matthew 5:19 NIV • Read this chapterAnyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
...If you allow earthly compromise to negate Gods will then you will fail.If you stand up to what you know what is right according to Gods will and not the will of man, then you will be great in the kingdom of God, even if you are looked upon as a nut by others.
Acts 5:29 NIV • Read this chapterPeter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men.
...This is true for all of us and it is time we stand against abortion in America as it is evil, no matter how you may carnally want to justify it! If God is Lord of your life, then obey him!~
I have now had some time to think and review these verses and have placed my initial comments on them according the the level I am now at in my service to almighty God. I hope and pray that you will see what the Lord is trying to tell you through the words he has enabled me to present. :) GBU~! Ave
Regardless to the media denegration of Mc Cain and Palin, they are the best choice and sober, intelligent, reasonable person could consider regardless to race, religion or political persuasion. Out nation has hope as long as we continue to choose leaders that are dedicated to making our nation great.
Obama is not about making our nation great, rather he is about socializing and weakening it and turning it into a third world power if he wins. Dont let this happen to America! Save America ~ vote for McCain & Palin~
To those who are faith minded I have some scriptures to share below that should help bring about a proper frame of mind in helping you to see and decide what is actually the right thing to do... Please read this in its entirety and consider this when you vote...
Food for thought.... most seems basic to me and may seem so to you, but to one I have sent this too, he doesnt understand where I am coming from and still chooses to believe you can be a prochoice abortion endorsing Christian who will be accepted by God. I disagree according to my understanding, I think I have the mind of Christ in these matters and think I understand as one who has the Holy Spirit guiding me. I could be in error, if that can be demonstrated biblically, but this fellow, offers nothing but surmations of his reading of what I wrote and shows no basis for his own conclusions other than to attack me.. Oh well , I wanted to share these anyway and think most will remember them and if you agree let me know but also if you think I am wrong on any of it still let me know.
Colossians 1:10 NIV • Read this chapterAnd we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
As we mature in Christ, the things of this world are viewed more as 'trappings' or the cares of the world that we abandon as we see more clearly how to please t he Lord."He must increase & I must decrease" becomes not only 'understood' but embraced and complied with to our own benefit, which then explains when Jesus said " My yoke is easy".. It does get easier when you seek to do his will, resist the devil and not compromise, which keeps you free from guilt as the devil looses his foothold in your life...
1 John 3:9 NIV • Read this chapterNo one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God....So as we yield to the Holy Spirit and are 'watered' by the Word, we begin to grow in Christ and as we study His word, seeking his will and not some 'angle' to manipulate the word according to our desires...
We see that we must resist the devil and our self serving desires which would give birth to sin and bring us to failure and even death.
We are born of God, no longer subject to the flesh, although we inhabit earthly bodies, we are to glorify God in our bodies as well...It isnt as hard, once we submit to his teaching and will for us .
All that the father gives to me will come to me.. .Jesus said, since He is willing that NONE should perish, it is fairly certain that since we are 'chosen'[you did not choose me but I chose you...] Some through their own stubborness and rebellion, resist the Father's will for great portions of their earthly lives... it is said that even the elect 'could' be fooled...but not that they 'would'.
Some say that we get into Predestination as a result of these promises of God and since he knows the beginning and the end of the matter, there is an element of that.It should be to our encouragement however, since he has plans for us that are 'good' and not evil...
1 Thessalonians 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Living to Please God ] Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.
...Once we come to terms to trust and believe in God and not lean on our own 'understanding' we can begin the process of cleansing our temple[mind& heart]putting away the childish things, studying and learning to a workman serving God no longer allowing evil thoughts to persuade our carnal minds, as we gradually put on the mind of Christ.
Philippians 1:21 NIVUK • Read this chapterFor to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
...When we become disciplined and accustomed to living in the Word and putting the flesh last while we practice our belief as we choose new each day , in each and every circumstance we face, who we will choose to serve.. It is one or the other, God or our own carnal reasoning which was introduced to us by the devil...If God is God choose Him and live.. if he is not God or Lord of your life you will not choose Him. So to live is Christ and to put to death the deeds of the flesh is gaining favor in God's sight and will lead to becoming joint heirs with Jesus.
Therefore as Paul said, we can not compare the sufferings we face now with the glories of the things to come..
2 Thessalonians 3:6 NIVUK • Read this chapter[ Warning Against Idleness ] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.
...If we become complacent and shrug our reasonable duty to God when we have been freed by His grace from all matters of our unrighteousness, when we put on Christ's righteousness in our lives, we are reminded to 'go and sin no more'....
If we let our light so shine before men, we do our duty to make disciples of all the nations and not shun our responsibilities as Christians in any area of our lives, including 'everything' we are to give thanks in and for.. then even in matters such as politics, we are sometimes faced with the spiritually moral dilemmas presented and it is then we have to stand up for Jesus and what he would do and want us to do.
We can not slack off as curse is he who does the will of God with slackness!!We also are not to be cowardly or hide our lamp under a bushel... so being a hidden believer and not bearing the fruits of the Spirit make us double minded, two faced and self deceived.
John 3:36 NASB
36"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
...If we 'believe' and not just merely surfacely acknowledge a weak allegiance to ... we will embrace and digest that belief to become part of us and then live by that belief... we are to obey and continue in his word and thus prove to be his disciples... we arent to be like the seed on rocky soil that grows a bit and then shrivels before any fruit can be born.We are to be like the tree planted by living waters and grow and bear fruit doing the will of our Father in heaven as Jesus always did what was pleasing to His Father, so shall we do.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIVUK • Read this chapterWe demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
...We can not allow ourselves to compromise and allow evil to have its place in our lives as the Lord shares his throne with no evil~! WE must take every thought captive and not be like Adam & Eve who considered, embraced and partook of reasoning that allowed them to defy God and thus loose their position in the garden, being cast out.
1 John 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Test the Spirits ] Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
...the battleground for our souls is in our minds and thoughts are constantly presented to our minds to consider and think about which lead to our action or inactions.We will be judged by our actions and intent of our hearts. If we harbor iniquity in our hearts then we are double minded, meaning we entertain thoughts presented by demonic influences of the spirits roaming to and fro seeking whom they may devour... Resist the devil and reject the evil thoughts and you will be able to see right and wrong as you yield to the will of the Father.
2 Timothy 2:14 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Workman Approved by God ] Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
...The Holy Spirit of God that guides us into all truth, is always in agreement with the Word so where 2 or more are gathered in "MY" name, there I will be in the midst of them... a promise and instruction as to how we can test the spirit of any thought we get to consider. The Holy Spirit will never tell you anything that goes against the word of God as a house divided can not stand and Jesus and the Father are one and their Spirit of Truth is one with them as well and is here to guide us.
2 Timothy 2:15 NIV • Read this chapterDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
...AS we study God's word and let it grow in our hearts and minds, it will be ready to bear witness to what the Holy Spirit tries to teach us and also will send up the red flags when religious thoughts [from spirit of religion] and others in tandem approach your mind with the 'what ifs' that ultimately would cause you to doubt God and fail.
So study and become one with the word as Jesus is one with the Father!
Romans 12:1 NASB • Read this chapter[ Dedicated Service ] Therefore [1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 10:1-4; Eph 4:1; 1 Pet 2:11] I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to [Rom 6:13, 16, 19; 1 Cor 6:20; Heb 13:15; 1 Pet 2:5] present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
...The closer you draw near to God the closer he will draw near to you.. which would only stand to reason t hat you would want to be as best prepared to be before Him and not stand ashamed.
Romans 8:13 NASB • Read this chapterfor [Rom 8:6] if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are [Col 3:5] putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
...all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful, so to continue in an activity that will bring you shame , it is better to forsake such sinful activity and become a living sacrifice so that no one can rightly accuse you when you know you are doing the Lords will. Being falsely accused will happen, but you will know that your redeemer lives and that as long as you seek his will you will be safe from judgement.
Matthew 18:15 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Brother Who Sins Against You ] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
...Trying to show an unyielding carnal minded brother is not an easy task, especially when he has wronged you.Trying to bring him to his right mind in exposing the wrong is also difficult as he who is estranged will seek pretext to break out against sound judgement. So in love and gentleness you are to show the brother the error of his way and pray the Holy Spirit grants him repentence. If you are able to reach and persuade him to the truth, you will be blessed for having restored a brother.
Ezekiel 3:18 NASB • Read this chapter"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his [Ezek 3:20; 33:6, 8] blood I will require at your hand.
...If like when Jonah didnt want to warn the Ninevites because he saw them as enemy, you are rebelling against the will of God and your life will reap punishment til you repent and comply..IF you do and others are reached for righteousness to give God glory, then you will be rewarded but if you dont, then you will be blamed...We are to walk blameless to it is better to do God's will!
Titus 3:10 NASB • Read this chapter[2 John 10] Reject a [Rom 16:17] factious man [Matt 18:15] after a first and second warning,
...when a false teacher or false brother is in your midst only causing dissension and raising doubts to lead others astray, you are to warn him and witness to him in hopes of restoring him. If he remains unyielding and obviously is leading others astray, then you are to warn him to desist and if he doesnt, then you are to shun him and have nothing more to do with him til he is ready to receive the word of God and obey it.
Philippians 4:8 NIV • Read this chapterFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things
...To be yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance will cause you to put away fifthy talk, thought word and deed and when you choose to think on fruitful thoughts you will be able to honestly please the father.
Galatians 5:22 NIV • Read this chapterBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
...This is the barometer of how we are to sek and serve God..the Holy Spirit will bear peaceable fruits of righteousness within our beings and gradually allow those fruits to guide us in all our daily considerations and decisions .
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV • Read this chapterOn the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
...As we mature, we become more confident in the word and we wear the whole armour of God, rightly divide the word and can stand ready to give account to all who ask or demand of us. We may not be popular and may be rejected but as servants are not greater than their master, we can expect at times to be mistreated as Jesus was, so when we are meeting various trials we are to count it as joy that we are privileged to share in his sufferings!
Hebrews 6:11 NIV • Read this chapterWe want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.
...To do this we must obey and embrace Gods word and not be double minded as to not receive from him the wisdom the Holy Spirit wishes to impart to us. If you are confused about who you are listening to, then that is not from God and you need to stop thinking, pray and wait to receive confirmation from the Lord before you proceed.
Once you are certain that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit, you will then be empowered to do Gods will.
Matthew 5:19 NIV • Read this chapterAnyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
...If you allow earthly compromise to negate Gods will then you will fail.If you stand up to what you know what is right according to Gods will and not the will of man, then you will be great in the kingdom of God, even if you are looked upon as a nut by others.
Acts 5:29 NIV • Read this chapterPeter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men.
...This is true for all of us and it is time we stand against abortion in America as it is evil, no matter how you may carnally want to justify it! If God is Lord of your life, then obey him!~
I have now had some time to think and review these verses and have placed my initial comments on them according the the level I am now at in my service to almighty God. I hope and pray that you will see what the Lord is trying to tell you through the words he has enabled me to present. :) GBU~! Ave
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10:33 PM - Food for thought before the presidential elections Current mood: contemplative Category: Religion and Philosophy
Food for thought.... most seems basic to me and may seem so to you, but to one I have sent this too, he doesnt understand where I am coming from and still chooses to believe you can be a prochoice abortion endorsing Christian who will be accepted by God. I disagree according to my understanding, I think I have the mind of Christ in these matters and think I understand as one who has the Holy Spirit guiding me. I could be in error, if that can be demonstrated biblically, but this fellow, offers nothing but surmations of his reading of what I wrote and shows no basis for his own conclusions other than to attack me.. Oh well , I wanted to share these anyway and think most will remember them and if you agree let me know but also if you think I am wrong on any of it still let me know.
Colossians 1:10 NIV • Read this chapterAnd we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
As we mature in Christ, the things of this world are viewed more as 'trappings' or the cares of the world that we abandon as we see more clearly how to please t he Lord."He must increase & I must decrease" becomes not only 'understood' but embraced and complied with to our own benefit, which then explains when Jesus said " My yoke is easy".. It does get easier when you seek to do his will, resist the devil and not compromise, which keeps you free from guilt as the devil looses his foothold in your life...
1 John 3:9 NIV • Read this chapterNo one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God....So as we yield to the Holy Spirit and are 'watered' by the Word, we begin to grow in Christ and as we study His word, seeking his will and not some 'angle' to manipulate the word according to our desires...
We see that we must resist the devil and our self serving desires which would give birth to sin and bring us to failure and even death.
We are born of God, no longer subject to the flesh, although we inhabit earthly bodies, we are to glorify God in our bodies as well...It isnt as hard, once we submit to his teaching and will for us .
All that the father gives to me will come to me.. .Jesus said, since He is willing that NONE should perish, it is fairly certain that since we are 'chosen'[you did not choose me but I chose you...] Some through their own stubborness and rebellion, resist the Father's will for great portions of their earthly lives... it is said that even the elect 'could' be fooled...but not that they 'would'.
Some say that we get into Predestination as a result of these promises of God and since he knows the beginning and the end of the matter, there is an element of that.It should be to our encouragement however, since he has plans for us that are 'good' and not evil...
1 Thessalonians 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Living to Please God ] Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.
...Once we come to terms to trust and believe in God and not lean on our own 'understanding' we can begin the process of cleansing our temple[mind& heart]putting away the childish things, studying and learning to a workman serving God no longer allowing evil thoughts to persuade our carnal minds, as we gradually put on the mind of Christ.
Philippians 1:21 NIVUK • Read this chapterFor to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
...When we become disciplined and accustomed to living in the Word and putting the flesh last while we practice our belief as we choose new each day , in each and every circumstance we face, who we will choose to serve.. It is one or the other, God or our own carnal reasoning which was introduced to us by the devil...If God is God choose Him and live.. if he is not God or Lord of your life you will not choose Him. So to live is Christ and to put to death the deeds of the flesh is gaining favor in God's sight and will lead to becoming joint heirs with Jesus.
Therefore as Paul said, we can not compare the sufferings we face now with the glories of the things to come..
2 Thessalonians 3:6 NIVUK • Read this chapter[ Warning Against Idleness ] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.
...If we become complacent and shrug our reasonable duty to God when we have been freed by His grace from all matters of our unrighteousness, when we put on Christ's righteousness in our lives, we are reminded to 'go and sin no more'....
If we let our light so shine before men, we do our duty to make disciples of all the nations and not shun our responsibilities as Christians in any area of our lives, including 'everything' we are to give thanks in and for.. then even in matters such as politics, we are sometimes faced with the spiritually moral dilemmas presented and it is then we have to stand up for Jesus and what he would do and want us to do.
We can not slack off as curse is he who does the will of God with slackness!!We also are not to be cowardly or hide our lamp under a bushel... so being a hidden believer and not bearing the fruits of the Spirit make us double minded, two faced and self deceived.
John 3:36 NASB
36"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
...If we 'believe' and not just merely surfacely acknowledge a weak allegiance to ... we will embrace and digest that belief to become part of us and then live by that belief... we are to obey and continue in his word and thus prove to be his disciples... we arent to be like the seed on rocky soil that grows a bit and then shrivels before any fruit can be born.We are to be like the tree planted by living waters and grow and bear fruit doing the will of our Father in heaven as Jesus always did what was pleasing to His Father, so shall we do.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIVUK • Read this chapterWe demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
...We can not allow ourselves to compromise and allow evil to have its place in our lives as the Lord shares his throne with no evil~! WE must take every thought captive and not be like Adam & Eve who considered, embraced and partook of reasoning that allowed them to defy God and thus loose their position in the garden, being cast out.
1 John 4:1 NIV • Read this chapter[ Test the Spirits ] Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
...the battleground for our souls is in our minds and thoughts are constantly presented to our minds to consider and think about which lead to our action or inactions.We will be judged by our actions and intent of our hearts. If we harbor iniquity in our hearts then we are double minded, meaning we entertain thoughts presented by demonic influences of the spirits roaming to and fro seeking whom they may devour... Resist the devil and reject the evil thoughts and you will be able to see right and wrong as you yield to the will of the Father.
2 Timothy 2:14 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Workman Approved by God ] Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
...The Holy Spirit of God that guides us into all truth, is always in agreement with the Word so where 2 or more are gathered in "MY" name, there I will be in the midst of them... a promise and instruction as to how we can test the spirit of any thought we get to consider. The Holy Spirit will never tell you anything that goes against the word of God as a house divided can not stand and Jesus and the Father are one and their Spirit of Truth is one with them as well and is here to guide us.
2 Timothy 2:15 NIV • Read this chapterDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
...AS we study God's word and let it grow in our hearts and minds, it will be ready to bear witness to what the Holy Spirit tries to teach us and also will send up the red flags when religious thoughts [from spirit of religion] and others in tandem approach your mind with the 'what ifs' that ultimately would cause you to doubt God and fail.
So study and become one with the word as Jesus is one with the Father!
Romans 12:1 NASB • Read this chapter[ Dedicated Service ] Therefore [1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 10:1-4; Eph 4:1; 1 Pet 2:11] I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to [Rom 6:13, 16, 19; 1 Cor 6:20; Heb 13:15; 1 Pet 2:5] present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
...The closer you draw near to God the closer he will draw near to you.. which would only stand to reason t hat you would want to be as best prepared to be before Him and not stand ashamed.
Romans 8:13 NASB • Read this chapterfor [Rom 8:6] if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are [Col 3:5] putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
...all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful, so to continue in an activity that will bring you shame , it is better to forsake such sinful activity and become a living sacrifice so that no one can rightly accuse you when you know you are doing the Lords will. Being falsely accused will happen, but you will know that your redeemer lives and that as long as you seek his will you will be safe from judgement.
Matthew 18:15 NIV • Read this chapter[ A Brother Who Sins Against You ] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
...Trying to show an unyielding carnal minded brother is not an easy task, especially when he has wronged you.Trying to bring him to his right mind in exposing the wrong is also difficult as he who is estranged will seek pretext to break out against sound judgement. So in love and gentleness you are to show the brother the error of his way and pray the Holy Spirit grants him repentence. If you are able to reach and persuade him to the truth, you will be blessed for having restored a brother.
Ezekiel 3:18 NASB • Read this chapter"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his [Ezek 3:20; 33:6, 8] blood I will require at your hand.
...If like when Jonah didnt want to warn the Ninevites because he saw them as enemy, you are rebelling against the will of God and your life will reap punishment til you repent and comply..IF you do and others are reached for righteousness to give God glory, then you will be rewarded but if you dont, then you will be blamed...We are to walk blameless to it is better to do God's will!
Titus 3:10 NASB • Read this chapter[2 John 10] Reject a [Rom 16:17] factious man [Matt 18:15] after a first and second warning,
...when a false teacher or false brother is in your midst only causing dissension and raising doubts to lead others astray, you are to warn him and witness to him in hopes of restoring him. If he remains unyielding and obviously is leading others astray, then you are to warn him to desist and if he doesnt, then you are to shun him and have nothing more to do with him til he is ready to receive the word of God and obey it.
Philippians 4:8 NIV • Read this chapterFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things
...To be yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance will cause you to put away fifthy talk, thought word and deed and when you choose to think on fruitful thoughts you will be able to honestly please the father.
Galatians 5:22 NIV • Read this chapterBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
...This is the barometer of how we are to sek and serve God..the Holy Spirit will bear peaceable fruits of righteousness within our beings and gradually allow those fruits to guide us in all our daily considerations and decisions .
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV • Read this chapterOn the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
...As we mature, we become more confident in the word and we wear the whole armour of God, rightly divide the word and can stand ready to give account to all who ask or demand of us. We may not be popular and may be rejected but as servants are not greater than their master, we can expect at times to be mistreated as Jesus was, so when we are meeting various trials we are to count it as joy that we are privileged to share in his sufferings!
Hebrews 6:11 NIV • Read this chapterWe want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.
...To do this we must obey and embrace Gods word and not be double minded as to not receive from him the wisdom the Holy Spirit wishes to impart to us. If you are confused about who you are listening to, then that is not from God and you need to stop thinking, pray and wait to receive confirmation from the Lord before you proceed.
Once you are certain that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit, you will then be empowered to do Gods will.
Matthew 5:19 NIV • Read this chapterAnyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
...If you allow earthly compromise to negate Gods will then you will fail.If you stand up to what you know what is right according to Gods will and not the will of man, then you will be great in the kingdom of God, even if you are looked upon as a nut by others.
Acts 5:29 NIV • Read this chapterPeter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men.
...This is true for all of us and it is time we stand against abortion in America as it is evil, no matter how you may carnally want to justify it! If God is Lord of your life, then obey him!~
I have now had some time to think and review these verses and have placed my initial comments on them according the the level I am now at in my service to almighty God. I hope and pray that you will see what the Lord is trying to tell you through the words he has enabled me to present. :) GBU~! Ave
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Obama and the Trojan Horse...Cant we learn anything from history?
October 29, 2008 by Ave
Here are some new facts I received concerning some of Obama’s background.
It makes alot of sense to be more suspicious~!It is long but you really ought to read it!
I received this email from a friend~
This election has me very worried. So many things to consider.
I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must saythis drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, andFox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About sixmonths ago, I started thinking— “where did the money come from forObama”. I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middleclass, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard andthere were lots of student loans.
I started looking into Obama’s life.
Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California.
He is very open about his two years at Occidental; he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
“Barry” (that was the name he used all his life) during this time hadtwo roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan.
During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a “round the world” trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family.
My question - Where did he get the money for this trip?
Neither I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college.
When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York.
It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack - not Barry.
Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia?
It’s not cheap! to say the least.
Where did he get money for tuition?
Student Loans? Maybe.
After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year. Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York.
By “chance” he met Antoin “Tony” Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago.
Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year.
Rezko, was named “Entrepreneur of the Decade” by theArab-American Business and Professional Association”.
About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School. Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School?
Where did he get the money for Law School?
More student loans?
After Law school, he went back to Chicago.
Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down.
But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what? They represented “Rezar” which is Rezko’s firm.
Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago.
In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with “seed money” for his U.S. Senate race.
In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price).
With ALL those Student Loans -Where did he get the money for the property?
On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.
The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased.
Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.
Now, we have Obama running for President.
Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss.
She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make anymajor decisions without talking to her first.
Where was Jarrett born?Ready for this?
Shiraz, Iran.
Do we see a pattern here? Or, am I going crazy?
On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was “sacked” after the press found out he was having regular contacts with “Hamas “, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran.
This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will “Take care ofthings”.
Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born inPakistan?
They are in charge of all those “small” Internet campaign contributions for Obama.
Where is that money coming from?
The poor and middle class in this country?
Or could it be from the Middle East?
And the final bit of news.
On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on “This Week” with George Stephanapoulos.
Obama on talking about his religion said, “My Muslim faith”. When questioned, “he made a mistake”. Some mistake!
All of the above information I got on line.
If you would like to checkit - Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie JarrettDaily Times - Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times -September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.
Today there is a lot of confusion WHY the LA Times will not release a tape that shows Obama and a few ant-Israel and Palistnian toasting to each other.
They say it is to protect the identity of the person who taped it but why can’t they block that person if in fact that person is part of the taping.
AND, why isn’t he telling the Americans about his association to ACORN?
What is this guy hiding?
Do you remember the story of the Trojan Horse?
Could Obama and his associates be inside that statue, waiting for election day to come out and
take over our great country?
WHO is supporting him and who is REALLY
backing Obama?
Now the BIG question - If I found out all this information on my own,why haven’t all of our “intelligent” members of the press been reportingthis?
A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear - “Beware of the enemy fromwithin.”
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
IF you do not believe in GOD, you’ll believe anything.
NOW AS WE KNOW GOD OFTEN USES WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THIS WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISDOM OF THE WISE~ maybe God is giving America one last chance to stop this all from happening now, by placing Sarah Palin on McCain’s ticket!~
If you have been on the fence as to who to vote for I highly encourage you
DON’T vote for Obama,
VOTE for McCain & Palin!!
Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up
Here are some good reads in the news that many dont get to see & may surprise you:
on October 30, 2008 at 3:01 am1 dan
lots of serious unanswered questions with this guy. Unfortunately, people are so blinded by the financial mess they will vote purely on emotion and just hope someone different or just anyone else (other than the present rulling party) can get them out of this mess.
Look at Germany - the vehicle that ushered in Hitler was their financial crisis - they were in a great financial depression and they were ready to bow to any “saviour” that promised them a way out…
enjoyed your article
October 29, 2008 by Ave
Here are some new facts I received concerning some of Obama’s background.
It makes alot of sense to be more suspicious~!It is long but you really ought to read it!
I received this email from a friend~
This election has me very worried. So many things to consider.
I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must saythis drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, andFox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About sixmonths ago, I started thinking— “where did the money come from forObama”. I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middleclass, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard andthere were lots of student loans.
I started looking into Obama’s life.
Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California.
He is very open about his two years at Occidental; he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
“Barry” (that was the name he used all his life) during this time hadtwo roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan.
During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a “round the world” trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family.
My question - Where did he get the money for this trip?
Neither I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college.
When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York.
It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack - not Barry.
Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia?
It’s not cheap! to say the least.
Where did he get money for tuition?
Student Loans? Maybe.
After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year. Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York.
By “chance” he met Antoin “Tony” Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago.
Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year.
Rezko, was named “Entrepreneur of the Decade” by theArab-American Business and Professional Association”.
About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School. Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School?
Where did he get the money for Law School?
More student loans?
After Law school, he went back to Chicago.
Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down.
But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what? They represented “Rezar” which is Rezko’s firm.
Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago.
In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with “seed money” for his U.S. Senate race.
In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price).
With ALL those Student Loans -Where did he get the money for the property?
On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.
The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased.
Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.
Now, we have Obama running for President.
Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss.
She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make anymajor decisions without talking to her first.
Where was Jarrett born?Ready for this?
Shiraz, Iran.
Do we see a pattern here? Or, am I going crazy?
On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was “sacked” after the press found out he was having regular contacts with “Hamas “, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran.
This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will “Take care ofthings”.
Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born inPakistan?
They are in charge of all those “small” Internet campaign contributions for Obama.
Where is that money coming from?
The poor and middle class in this country?
Or could it be from the Middle East?
And the final bit of news.
On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on “This Week” with George Stephanapoulos.
Obama on talking about his religion said, “My Muslim faith”. When questioned, “he made a mistake”. Some mistake!
All of the above information I got on line.
If you would like to checkit - Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie JarrettDaily Times - Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times -September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.
Today there is a lot of confusion WHY the LA Times will not release a tape that shows Obama and a few ant-Israel and Palistnian toasting to each other.
They say it is to protect the identity of the person who taped it but why can’t they block that person if in fact that person is part of the taping.
AND, why isn’t he telling the Americans about his association to ACORN?
What is this guy hiding?
Do you remember the story of the Trojan Horse?
Could Obama and his associates be inside that statue, waiting for election day to come out and
take over our great country?
WHO is supporting him and who is REALLY
backing Obama?
Now the BIG question - If I found out all this information on my own,why haven’t all of our “intelligent” members of the press been reportingthis?
A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear - “Beware of the enemy fromwithin.”
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
IF you do not believe in GOD, you’ll believe anything.
NOW AS WE KNOW GOD OFTEN USES WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THIS WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISDOM OF THE WISE~ maybe God is giving America one last chance to stop this all from happening now, by placing Sarah Palin on McCain’s ticket!~
If you have been on the fence as to who to vote for I highly encourage you
DON’T vote for Obama,
VOTE for McCain & Palin!!
Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up
Here are some good reads in the news that many dont get to see & may surprise you:
on October 30, 2008 at 3:01 am1 dan
lots of serious unanswered questions with this guy. Unfortunately, people are so blinded by the financial mess they will vote purely on emotion and just hope someone different or just anyone else (other than the present rulling party) can get them out of this mess.
Look at Germany - the vehicle that ushered in Hitler was their financial crisis - they were in a great financial depression and they were ready to bow to any “saviour” that promised them a way out…
enjoyed your article
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My Top Pics of 2008 ~ available now in sized sets....:)
After going through all my paintings and checking which have been set to print and have been popular this year, these are my TOP 12 Pics~
Although shown here with their watermarks, these pictures each are available in several sizes for this set. Some can be even larger, but all will print in these sizes below. Postcards are already available and printed in a limited edition of 100.
Sets of Twelve~2008 AVE HURLEY
8X10GLOSSY $144USA $ 164 WORLD
8X10 CANVAS $164USA $ 184 WORLD
POSTCARDS $5 US- $ 6 WORLD 3/$10 US -$14WORLD 6/$15 US $19 WORLD
ACEO $8 US- $10WORLD 3/$20 US- $24WORLD 6/$30 US-$34WORLD
5X7 GLOSSY $12US- $15WORLD 3/$30 US-$36 WORLD 6/$45 US-$51WORLD
5X7 CANVAS $15 US- $18WORLD 3/$40 US- $46WORLD 6/$60 US-$66WORLD
8X10GLOSSY $25 US- $32WORLD 3/$60 US-$68WORLD 6/$90 US-$98WORLD
8X10 CANVAS $30 US- $34WORLD 3/$75 US-$83WORLD 6/$105US-$113WORLD
I hope you enjoy these and that once matted and framed will give you or your loved ones years of enjoyment~ These are Giclee Prints and the inks are rated for over 200 years out of the sun.
Ave Hurley
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I am having an ongoing nightmare with FEDEX right now~
FEDEX Fraud draining your accounts by druggie crooked employees?October 18, 2008 by Ave It all started out with some simple online art sales, on Ebay & Webidz, Plunderhere and more that I decided to open a Fedex Account.
As it turns out most of my sales have been smaller items so I use the US Postal System for delivery but have kept my new FEDEX account for anything larger…
Well this month I had one larger order that I needed shipped to me and I used my FEDEX account to pay for the shipment.
That went through my Paypal and everything looked ‘normal’.
If you arent familiar with Paypal, it will show the charges in ‘pending’ for a few days and then when it clears, will post it to you as ‘completed’.Anyway, 2 weeks after the shipment arrived [which was damaged by the way~ but that is another nightmare story~.
I got a new FEDEX MEMPHIS TN Charge on my Paypal again in 'pending'.
Initially I thought it had to do with the original shipment and that it would clear out and nothing would go wrong, but Paypal did catch it and froze my account.
I on the other hand didnt catch it but found out when my card was denied at the gas pump, that something was wrong with my Paypal debit card.
So I call Paypal and say that the card isnt working and that I was using it at the gas station and Walmart denied both times!Paypal apologized and reset my card.
Meanwhile I didnt even notice the new 'fraudulent' FEDEX MEMPHIS TN charges beginning~Next day another FEDEX MEMPHIS TN CHARGE FOR $48.39 after the first one had been caught and denied, the second one went through and was in'pending' Then a day later another charge for $49.38 - numbers similar, could it be a coincidence or could it be fraud?
I called Paypal and alerted them and without 'tracking numbers' Paypal cant do a thing til the charges complete so told me to watch it and file a dispute if they complete...
Great I have to let the thieves take the money before I can do anything about it!
I called Fedex, they too without a complete have no tracking and therefore cant help but say perhaps it was merely 'testing my account numbers' and the charges should go out of pending and expire, so I shouldnt worry.. Worry??Me??
So I go back to working on my art~making new versions of different paintings as described here, that I am listing on :
Webidz :
Back to the Fraud story.....
I will be glad when Paypal and Fedex clear up the fraud.
What a bust that has been over the last few days.
I used my Fedex account only once this month and paid with Paypal as usual, however one of Fedex employees, probably a drug smuggler, hacked my account and started making charges~$48.39,$48.39& $49.38 and hitting my paypal account every few days and it wasnt noticeable at first as the numbers were similar and as I have alot of little charges going all the time, these managed to go into different pages on my paypal account, eating away at it.
It wasnt til the 3rd time they charged me that I realized I had already paid for that one shipment.
I called Fedex BUT since there were 'no tracking numbers' of the new charges while they were still in pending .
Paypal said that they could cancel my card and send me a new one, so I did that~ but then the Fedex pending charges continued!
It wasnt until these fraudulent charges started to 'complete'[means my bank paid them] that any of the bogus tracking numbers became available.
Then they were able to check those ’tracking’ numbers to see what happened.
They said it began when I made my order 3 weeks ago to pick up wheels in Phoenix [my sons' order] but somehow instead of ‘testing my card’ someone took my card number and account number.
I told Fedex that the card was a virtual Paypal plugin secure card, so I didnt know how they got my real numbers.
Fedex answered that mystery saying that someone[in Fedex] had gotten my bank info from my Fedex Account internally~!!
Meanwhile this creep has been steadily draining my account.Makes me wonder how many of you out there have frequentlty used FEDEX MEMPHIS TN accounts that you may be also being ripped off and just dont know it yet!So far this week, this FEDEX THIEF has gotten $48.39,$48.39 and $49.38 [ mixed his numbers up!] all in just a couple of days!!
Using proper protocol, I filed disputes for each fraudulent charge and that person cant charge my paypal debit as it is now cancelled and Paypal will fight to get my money back, but each can still take up to 30 days.
Fedex on the other hand said they would refund the first $48.39 and it should appear within 48 hours.
They said ‘after’ the Paypal pendings complete through Paypal that it will appear on my account and then they will then ‘refund’ those as well.
The Fedex agent said she thought she could stop the pending charges and put a ‘notation’ in my record.
The Fedex agent then said it appears that the culprit was using my Fedex account numbers and could walk into any Kinkos or Fedex store and ship things that will be billed to me and that there was no way to stop it unless she closed my account immediately ~ so I said close it!!
She closed my account and then reopened a new account for me .
When we hung up, I thought that only the first $48.39 was to be refunded and the others were to be suspended, at least according to what she had told me~ ………WRONG!
Later yesterday afternoon the others came out of pending and were still withdrawn from my bank account!!
Back on the phone~The next FEDEX agent wanted my old account number[which I didnt have and no longer exists~so that agent couldnt help me~! What nonsense !!!
So as of last night I am now out over $98+,with another $49.38 coming out over the weekend, placing me somewhere around $150 stolen so far from my bank account!!None has been yet refunded and meanwhile my Ebay fees and Etsy fees and Car Insurance are now in pending and it looks like my car insurance will be the first to bounce because of this FEDEX FRAUD..
All this because of a crooked Fedex Employee that they say they cant find because all their pay terminals say FEDEX MEMPHIS TN and it is very difficult for them to track it down to its origin location.. What crap~
They'd have to have some sort of numbers identifying where the virtual charges originated~~??? Wouldnt they???Fedex also hit my bank account again with $10 pending for the new account [which the agent failed to mention, or I would NOT have opened a new account ESPECIALLY after their last goof up]I also have several pending payments through my Paypal debit for ebay supplies I bought this week [ that new canvas stock and more inks] so those will be deducted from my bank over the weekend and how many bounce fees that will cause is just unknown now as each time Paypal hits my backup funding it COULD incur another overdraft charge ~So this week I am remaining ’super stressed’.
Even though Fedex is supposed to refund the original fraud amounts, by the time they actually do it , my bank is going to be a mess .
I highly doubt Fedex is going to reimburse any OF MY subsequent charges caused by them emptying my bank~Crooked employee or not, it was done by Fedex~!
So now I have to wait ABOUT 2 weeks for a new Paypal debit card~ and for those charges to be reimbursed which normally wouldnt be such a deal only sales have been down this week and with all the charges from Ebay and my Car Insurance will start the dominoe effect in overdrafting.My bank cant do anything about it either since I regularly use Paypal with them.
Funny I thought it was by using Paypal that my money would be secure and that by having a Fedex account that it would be secure.I never expected their own employees would be stealing from me!
FEDEX said THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF FRAUD is actually a common problem!Also that had I perhaps used their services 5-6 times a week, I may never have noticed the fraudulent charges, so that makes me wonder how many companies are being regularly hit like this unawares~
This crook picked the wrong victim, however since I use Fedex only once this month when all these new charges started appearing I caught them right away, just I couldnt stop the wheels that were already in motion.
I called Fedex back this morning and they said that the new account pending charge of $10 wouldnt actually be withdrawn, but will expire as that was to test my new card number at Paypal.Still that hangs up an additional $10 til the virtual smoke clears~
I am just praying that their refunds go through on Monday to cover my other charges so no domino occurs.Legally I am sure I should have recourse but that too will take time.
Currently no auctions are selling besides a couple of $.50 ones on another site, so I wont even be able to cover these charges til they refund them anyway.
“I hate internet fraud“
Well that ends my rant of the day, lol..I guess things could have been worse, at least the thief was keeping the amounts in the $40+ ranges.It could have been ‘more’… but for the limited income I am on, this is the same as stealing thousands from me.. it is crippling!!!
Fedex said that using smaller random amounts, keeps the thieves ‘under the wire’ and undetected by many.
They said that usually it is usually stolen things or drugs being mailed from one location to another and that often the deliveries go to places that are met by the intended recipient who then leaves and when police check it out, the occupants have nothing to do with any of it, just as I have had nothing to do with it..
Dangerous day and age when two bit drug dealers become internet saavy and can hack accounts to cover their tracks~
It can occur as simply as a Fedex employee HIMSELF OR even letting any ‘friend’ see records or accounts and then that person can do all the damage at another location or from online.
I was probably stupid to let them open a new account for me now~
I think after I get all my refunds, I will cancel the new acct too.The USPostal Service is alot more reliable and I use that most of the time anyway..Well as soon as the debit card smoke clears, I will be shipping again so it may take a few more days til I get things out.
This debochle has left me dead in the water broke now til I either get the refunds or some sales on my auction sites…My cats are officially on table food til this ends as well.They dont mind, it makes them feel special~ [ I just hope they will go back on their normal cat food afterwards]
Today the van is being towed from where it broke down the other night, but I can pay that later to my mechanic so by the time it is fixed I should have more money… hopefully.
We got cold here last night and the furnace kicked on.Tonight it is supposed to drop into the 20’s ~!I live in the mountains in North Central Pennsylvania, just about 1/2 way across the state and up near to the border.The area is beautiful most of the year, but usually cooler than other areas. We get less than a month of the over 90 stuff but often during summer its low 80’s to upper 70’s.
Nights often are in the 60’s so it saves on airconditioning..My furnace has kicked on as late as June, so it is alot different than the southwest..Well this is getting too long, already lol…
I just wanted to warn you and others about Fedex today, so you can also warn others~!
Have a good weekend!
__________________Thankyou and have a great day!Ave
FEDEX Fraud draining your accounts by druggie crooked employees?October 18, 2008 by Ave It all started out with some simple online art sales, on Ebay & Webidz, Plunderhere and more that I decided to open a Fedex Account.
As it turns out most of my sales have been smaller items so I use the US Postal System for delivery but have kept my new FEDEX account for anything larger…
Well this month I had one larger order that I needed shipped to me and I used my FEDEX account to pay for the shipment.
That went through my Paypal and everything looked ‘normal’.
If you arent familiar with Paypal, it will show the charges in ‘pending’ for a few days and then when it clears, will post it to you as ‘completed’.Anyway, 2 weeks after the shipment arrived [which was damaged by the way~ but that is another nightmare story~.
I got a new FEDEX MEMPHIS TN Charge on my Paypal again in 'pending'.
Initially I thought it had to do with the original shipment and that it would clear out and nothing would go wrong, but Paypal did catch it and froze my account.
I on the other hand didnt catch it but found out when my card was denied at the gas pump, that something was wrong with my Paypal debit card.
So I call Paypal and say that the card isnt working and that I was using it at the gas station and Walmart denied both times!Paypal apologized and reset my card.
Meanwhile I didnt even notice the new 'fraudulent' FEDEX MEMPHIS TN charges beginning~Next day another FEDEX MEMPHIS TN CHARGE FOR $48.39 after the first one had been caught and denied, the second one went through and was in'pending' Then a day later another charge for $49.38 - numbers similar, could it be a coincidence or could it be fraud?
I called Paypal and alerted them and without 'tracking numbers' Paypal cant do a thing til the charges complete so told me to watch it and file a dispute if they complete...
Great I have to let the thieves take the money before I can do anything about it!
I called Fedex, they too without a complete have no tracking and therefore cant help but say perhaps it was merely 'testing my account numbers' and the charges should go out of pending and expire, so I shouldnt worry.. Worry??Me??
So I go back to working on my art~making new versions of different paintings as described here, that I am listing on :
Webidz :
Back to the Fraud story.....
I will be glad when Paypal and Fedex clear up the fraud.
What a bust that has been over the last few days.
I used my Fedex account only once this month and paid with Paypal as usual, however one of Fedex employees, probably a drug smuggler, hacked my account and started making charges~$48.39,$48.39& $49.38 and hitting my paypal account every few days and it wasnt noticeable at first as the numbers were similar and as I have alot of little charges going all the time, these managed to go into different pages on my paypal account, eating away at it.
It wasnt til the 3rd time they charged me that I realized I had already paid for that one shipment.
I called Fedex BUT since there were 'no tracking numbers' of the new charges while they were still in pending .
Paypal said that they could cancel my card and send me a new one, so I did that~ but then the Fedex pending charges continued!
It wasnt until these fraudulent charges started to 'complete'[means my bank paid them] that any of the bogus tracking numbers became available.
Then they were able to check those ’tracking’ numbers to see what happened.
They said it began when I made my order 3 weeks ago to pick up wheels in Phoenix [my sons' order] but somehow instead of ‘testing my card’ someone took my card number and account number.
I told Fedex that the card was a virtual Paypal plugin secure card, so I didnt know how they got my real numbers.
Fedex answered that mystery saying that someone[in Fedex] had gotten my bank info from my Fedex Account internally~!!
Meanwhile this creep has been steadily draining my account.Makes me wonder how many of you out there have frequentlty used FEDEX MEMPHIS TN accounts that you may be also being ripped off and just dont know it yet!So far this week, this FEDEX THIEF has gotten $48.39,$48.39 and $49.38 [ mixed his numbers up!] all in just a couple of days!!
Using proper protocol, I filed disputes for each fraudulent charge and that person cant charge my paypal debit as it is now cancelled and Paypal will fight to get my money back, but each can still take up to 30 days.
Fedex on the other hand said they would refund the first $48.39 and it should appear within 48 hours.
They said ‘after’ the Paypal pendings complete through Paypal that it will appear on my account and then they will then ‘refund’ those as well.
The Fedex agent said she thought she could stop the pending charges and put a ‘notation’ in my record.
The Fedex agent then said it appears that the culprit was using my Fedex account numbers and could walk into any Kinkos or Fedex store and ship things that will be billed to me and that there was no way to stop it unless she closed my account immediately ~ so I said close it!!
She closed my account and then reopened a new account for me .
When we hung up, I thought that only the first $48.39 was to be refunded and the others were to be suspended, at least according to what she had told me~ ………WRONG!
Later yesterday afternoon the others came out of pending and were still withdrawn from my bank account!!
Back on the phone~The next FEDEX agent wanted my old account number[which I didnt have and no longer exists~so that agent couldnt help me~! What nonsense !!!
So as of last night I am now out over $98+,with another $49.38 coming out over the weekend, placing me somewhere around $150 stolen so far from my bank account!!None has been yet refunded and meanwhile my Ebay fees and Etsy fees and Car Insurance are now in pending and it looks like my car insurance will be the first to bounce because of this FEDEX FRAUD..
All this because of a crooked Fedex Employee that they say they cant find because all their pay terminals say FEDEX MEMPHIS TN and it is very difficult for them to track it down to its origin location.. What crap~
They'd have to have some sort of numbers identifying where the virtual charges originated~~??? Wouldnt they???Fedex also hit my bank account again with $10 pending for the new account [which the agent failed to mention, or I would NOT have opened a new account ESPECIALLY after their last goof up]I also have several pending payments through my Paypal debit for ebay supplies I bought this week [ that new canvas stock and more inks] so those will be deducted from my bank over the weekend and how many bounce fees that will cause is just unknown now as each time Paypal hits my backup funding it COULD incur another overdraft charge ~So this week I am remaining ’super stressed’.
Even though Fedex is supposed to refund the original fraud amounts, by the time they actually do it , my bank is going to be a mess .
I highly doubt Fedex is going to reimburse any OF MY subsequent charges caused by them emptying my bank~Crooked employee or not, it was done by Fedex~!
So now I have to wait ABOUT 2 weeks for a new Paypal debit card~ and for those charges to be reimbursed which normally wouldnt be such a deal only sales have been down this week and with all the charges from Ebay and my Car Insurance will start the dominoe effect in overdrafting.My bank cant do anything about it either since I regularly use Paypal with them.
Funny I thought it was by using Paypal that my money would be secure and that by having a Fedex account that it would be secure.I never expected their own employees would be stealing from me!
FEDEX said THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF FRAUD is actually a common problem!Also that had I perhaps used their services 5-6 times a week, I may never have noticed the fraudulent charges, so that makes me wonder how many companies are being regularly hit like this unawares~
This crook picked the wrong victim, however since I use Fedex only once this month when all these new charges started appearing I caught them right away, just I couldnt stop the wheels that were already in motion.
I called Fedex back this morning and they said that the new account pending charge of $10 wouldnt actually be withdrawn, but will expire as that was to test my new card number at Paypal.Still that hangs up an additional $10 til the virtual smoke clears~
I am just praying that their refunds go through on Monday to cover my other charges so no domino occurs.Legally I am sure I should have recourse but that too will take time.
Currently no auctions are selling besides a couple of $.50 ones on another site, so I wont even be able to cover these charges til they refund them anyway.
“I hate internet fraud“
Well that ends my rant of the day, lol..I guess things could have been worse, at least the thief was keeping the amounts in the $40+ ranges.It could have been ‘more’… but for the limited income I am on, this is the same as stealing thousands from me.. it is crippling!!!
Fedex said that using smaller random amounts, keeps the thieves ‘under the wire’ and undetected by many.
They said that usually it is usually stolen things or drugs being mailed from one location to another and that often the deliveries go to places that are met by the intended recipient who then leaves and when police check it out, the occupants have nothing to do with any of it, just as I have had nothing to do with it..
Dangerous day and age when two bit drug dealers become internet saavy and can hack accounts to cover their tracks~
It can occur as simply as a Fedex employee HIMSELF OR even letting any ‘friend’ see records or accounts and then that person can do all the damage at another location or from online.
I was probably stupid to let them open a new account for me now~
I think after I get all my refunds, I will cancel the new acct too.The USPostal Service is alot more reliable and I use that most of the time anyway..Well as soon as the debit card smoke clears, I will be shipping again so it may take a few more days til I get things out.
This debochle has left me dead in the water broke now til I either get the refunds or some sales on my auction sites…My cats are officially on table food til this ends as well.They dont mind, it makes them feel special~ [ I just hope they will go back on their normal cat food afterwards]
Today the van is being towed from where it broke down the other night, but I can pay that later to my mechanic so by the time it is fixed I should have more money… hopefully.
We got cold here last night and the furnace kicked on.Tonight it is supposed to drop into the 20’s ~!I live in the mountains in North Central Pennsylvania, just about 1/2 way across the state and up near to the border.The area is beautiful most of the year, but usually cooler than other areas. We get less than a month of the over 90 stuff but often during summer its low 80’s to upper 70’s.
Nights often are in the 60’s so it saves on airconditioning..My furnace has kicked on as late as June, so it is alot different than the southwest..Well this is getting too long, already lol…
I just wanted to warn you and others about Fedex today, so you can also warn others~!
Have a good weekend!
__________________Thankyou and have a great day!Ave
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My October Arts & things currenly available~

I hope you each are having a wonderful day. It is chilly here in Pa and I havent had my first cup of coffee yet, but wanted to share whats up next and going soon...
All of the following can be seen today at a glance at :
My Halloween joke ACEO's featuring little quips from the Pumpkin Patch~!
Happy Halloween~ Here are a few ACEO's to brighten your day~!THERE IS ONLY ONE DAY LEFT ON THESE CUTIES~
Each has something humorous said and bidding starts at only $.31 cents~!!!
Fabulous Real Fur Blanket ~ King Sized ~ Imported from Afghanistan!!
NO RESERVE Auction starting at less than 1/4 the value!!!
Soft Cuddly Luxurious One of a Kind Design Microsuede Lining Bedspread This was brought home by our military family member to be auctioned off on Ebay.It came from a fur merchant in Afghanistan that provides wholesale fur products to European Furriers... Estimated resale of this is over $7400 and it is being offered at less than wholesale price since it was purchased and brought home by our family member so all the duties,taxes & tariffs were free~a savings passed on to whoever wins this gorgeous fur I posted alot of pictures in the description so check it out and dream on it!!
Antique Victorian Lady Porcelain Bisque statue This old gal has been very well taken care of.She has all her fingers and no cracks in her complexion! She is holding some finely made delicate roses that havent lost a petal in all these years and is a very rare and collectible piece starting out at an unbelievably low price!! NO RESERVE ~ either.. she is from my personal collection but I am downsizing from a house to an apt and need to part with many treasured items~!
Then for a 5x7 First Edition Giclee, first time ever offered see this one~Painted in 1971 this is the first printing of this painting and first time offered ~
If you happen to be a nursing mother or know one~ here are liquid food storage containers at a fraction of the cost..24 4 ounce food industry BP:A safe freezable/microwable ones~
This is a must have for nursing mothers~!
Some 4 for 1 ACEO deals including new releases !
These sets of 4 are both summer and winter~ Beautiful vibrant colors of cards that have sold for as high as $23 here on ebay, now being offered in sets.
I have some beautiful Art Postcards, some standard size and others are extra large, mosts have a buy one get one free with them~! Fixed Price on some at only $1
Then back to art here are my latest ACEO releases~ many starting at $.99 cents!!!!
and some more~! So PLEASE check them out~! I really need to raise some money to move with so these are being offered at a low starting price & have only have a few days left.
Well good luck with your sales and wish me luck on mine~!!
Have a great day~!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Art by Ave Hurley

Ave Hurley of Ave Hurley Illustrations, also known online as LadyMadonnah and AveHurley [each online screen names] for Ave Maria Cosgriff Hurley, who was born in Brooklyn NY, on March 25,1954 as the 3rd child of Gene { Singergene} and Edwina Reardon Cosgriff and is 1 of 14 brothers and sisters.Articles relating to her can be found in search engines under ’avehurleyillustrations’,’avehurley’ and Ave Hurley.
Ave had a promising start in art demonstrating her skills at an early age before starting school at St.Patrick’s Roman Catholic School in Brooklyn.
While in first grade the school’s art teacher, Thaya Von Eros, took Ave under wing and began giving private art lessons, after school to test and advance Ave’s natural skills in art.Lessons continued till Ave’s family moved to Staten Island in 1964.
Attending PS3 in Pleasant Plains, Ave received art awards and excelled on any art related project given to do at the school.
From 1966-68, Elias Bernstein Jr High School, Ave was in the top of her class and artistic participant on the school yearbook and began entering Art Shows. While attending Tottenville High School on Staten Island, Ave received the prestigious "Freshman Art Award" given to her in a formal ceremony at the Grace Rainey Rodgers auditorium of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ave began selling her artworks to teachers and local members of the community.She was further aided in developing her art studies by Mrs.Theresa DiGuiseppe ,of NewDorp, her high school art teacher , who referred Ave to after school lessons on weekends at Susan Wagner High School.
In 1969 Ave was one of the youngest entrant/participants at the Sailor’s Snug Harbor Arts Festival where she sold out all her paintings in a record few hours of the first day of the show.From this point on she began taking ’commissioned’ jobs from teachers and friends.
In 1970 Ave began signpainting and repainted the signs for the South Shore Little League followed by commissions to paint signs for several stores in her hometown of Pleasant Plains and in Tottenville.
While working for Bregman and Co., a Wall St broker, in 1971 Ave did some paintings for the partners and began taking commissions from lawyers, doctors and politicians. Still she considered it all a side line and was not her main focus becoming more of a hobby.
In 1982 Ave attended the Staten Island Community College and began taking more art classes til a difficult pregnancy forced her to resign from school.
While living on a farm in Hornby NY, Ave began doing pen & ink illustrations for the Corning Chamber of Commerce in 1987, making postcards and notecards for local Market Street store owners before moving to Towanda Pennsylvania and beginning new commissions for local residents and store owners on Main Street before being asked by the Main Street Managers Association to aid in the fundraising to renovate and reopen the Hale Opera House as a new movie theater called the "Keystone Theater", making a detailed illustration of the historic building and the image being sold on shirts and cards, which helped raised the needed funds to complete the renovations and re-opening the Theater in 1988.
Ave also did detailed pen & inks illustrations of the historic Bradford County Courthouse that was used to help raise funds for the local hospital’s auxilliary auction and a tourism designed billboard promoting Towanda.
She was determined to do her artwork, despite her withered hand and how much longer it took her to draw or paint, however she worked as a volunteer since her health was deteriorating.
It was in 1984, when Ave was busy as a new mother that she was doing few private commissions.mostlys sign painting for local stores on Staten Island as well as mural work for doctors offices, that she had an accident which severed her right wrist in May of 1984 causing claw hand deformity and 85% paralysis of her right hand Ave stopped persuing a career in doing her artwork and retired to the country, moving to North Central Pennsylvania. She cut all ties with her NYC art patrons and was married, set about to raise her 5 children.
She was inspired by Joni Ericksen Tada who painted with her mouth after a skiing accident left her paralyzed yet still persued her artistic talents so Ave taped a pen or brush to her hand and began to learn to draw again.
During the early 90’s Ave began to do volunteer art works for the Knoxville Little League, calling herself an ’amateur’ but there was nothing amateur about her visible talents.Soon she was asked to to signs for local stores and play scenery for local churches, despite her insecurity over her ability to paint as well as she did prior to her accident.
In 2005 Ave travelled to the west and did some volunteer art work for places such as ’Crown Charter School’, in Phoenix, Az., where in May 2005 she painted over 100 children’s faces, outdoors, during a school festival at called "Whacky Tacky Beach Day", in which it was over 108 degrees but rather than having fun with the water rides, kids lined up for hours in the heat of the day to have some of Ave’s art painted on their face, hands or shoulders. Ave did other volunteer painting at that school as well.
In November of 2005, while visiting Victory Highway Wesleyan Church in Painted Post NY, a request was made to the congregation for needed volunteers with artistic talent to aid in doing play scenery for a benefit play that would refill local food pantries so they could provide charity food baskets to give away for Christmas. Ave volunteered and worked for 5 weeks nonstop to go and create the best scenery the church ever had for their annual play, " Two from Galilee".
That Broadway style musical show was a complete success with several showings and the sets remained installed for more than a month after the show due to their beauty. Ave was told that the sets would be saved for future use because of the quality they were made of.
In Spring of 2006 Ave was asked again to do another play for the benefit of a missionary program and completed the sets in less than a week prior to surgery she was to receive. That dinner play called " Uncle Phil’s Diner" was also a success.
Around this time, Ave’s withered right hand began to regain feeling and upon medical examination was told that for some reason after 21 yrs that her hand was in fact regenerating nerves and feeling was returning.No medical explanation could be made for this sudden improvement, so Ave gave all the glory to God for the return of usage to her hand and now does volunteer art wherever it can give God glory.
Ave’s life has been fraught with medical problems, disabling her from full time employment since 1991, having been diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythomotosis, Sarcoidosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Gastro Esophygeal Reflux Disease, Heart Disease and more which has caused her to focus more on doing her artwork to pass the time and is now once again working as a volunteer doing art projects and has recently done play sets for the ’Nutcracker Suite’ for Light of Life Performing Arts [Dance School] ministries in York Pennsylvania in December 2007 and a mural "Jesus on the Mount of Olives looking at Jerusalem", at the Charleston Chapel in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
Being homebound most of her time due to her disabilities, Ave now displays and sells her artwork online modestly on shops such as and on ebay as "AveHurleyIllustrations", making ACEO’s [ Art Cards Edition Originals" also called Art Trading Cards as well as personally made prints of her artwork for framing and greeting cards.
Since her accident and onset of her disabilities, Ave has done her artwork more as an activity but to all those who have been recipients of her talent, they remain puzzled that she doesn’t have a thriving business and are often shocked at the exceptional value and quality they receive in her art works.
With encouragement from those who love her style of art and accomplishments, Ave is now showing more and more of her works online and making them available to the general public, but for now it is mostly still by word of mouth since Ave left NYC in 1985.
Showings of her newer artworks can be readily seen in one of her online portfolios at and at and she is developing a new gallery domain at
Those who are collecting Ave Hurley Illustrations cherish them as rare and valuable collectible art. She can be found in most search engines under AveHurleyIllustrations, AveHurley, and Ave Hurley. Some of her works are sold very inexpensively on Etsy and Ebay, but are viewable at and other online fine art galleries and and other showplaces
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